Guide - Send an official notification: la Diffida provides a service for drafting quickly personalised formal letters to send to your landlord, and optionally send it via registered letter

Get your Diffida template

Send your diffida:

You can send a Raccomandata via:

If your case is more complex...

... or you want to give more weight to your Diffida and show that your intentions are serious, we suggest to get in touch with a legal office.

This increases your probability of succeeding at this step, as a lawyer would countersign your registered letter. Landlords tend to return the money immediately when a lawyer is involved (78% of the cases) as they understand they can get serious consequences.

Please note that Get Back Your Deposit cannot act as a lawyer. For these purposes, we work with our partners.

What is a Diffida?

Why a Raccomandata (registered letter?)

A diffida needs to be sent via formal and provable means. There are two common means: